Shades of Gray

No We Can’t

Posted in Washington, White House by Wayland Abernathy III on March 19, 2009

The WH has taken a plan to charge war veterans private health insurance carriers for service related injuries off the table, according to Nancy Pelosi, thanks to a phone call from the President while on his way to California today. 

How could the Obama cabal (thank you, Mr. Gibbs) not understand that Americans, especially war veterans, would find this plan unacceptable? Is the magnitude of proposed health care reform clouding the judgement (and moral sensibility) of the White House? The $ savings being mentioned add up to approximately $540 million.

Is that all it takes to insult our war veterans? I can’t keep count of the total lack of respect the White House is showing to anyone that enters the sacred domain. It doesn’t matter who it is that comes to call, be it foreign dignitaries or American citizens.

I guess we should be pleased that it only took a couple of days for them to come to their senses. Give the administration a couple more days to decide who to blame for coming up with the plan.

Another day, another classless mistake.

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